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Teradyne TestStation TS12X - TSLX - TSLH
  • What is different about a TEAM A.T.E. reconditioned Teradyne TestStation system versus a used system purchased from an equipment broker or off the open market?

    The TEAM A.T.E. Difference:

    • Systems are fully disassembled and cleaned
    • PCBs are cleaned and updated to meet current working ECO revisions
    • External system panels are cleaned and painted
    • Ziff connectors are cleaned, repined if needed or replaced
    • New PCs are installed with Windows 7 Software
    • 6.4.0 Runtime software for Teradyne TS12X systems is included
    • -License options; ATG, FrameScan II, OpensXpress, JunctionsXpress and BasicScan
    • When a customer places a P.O. with TEAM A.T.E. the systems are reassembled, reconfigured, and thoroughly tested with Operational Verification Program (OVP?

    Teradyne TestStation TS12X - TSLX - TSLH

    The purchase of any in-circuit test system is a major capital investment. TEAM A.T.E. offers a wide range of reconditioned Teradyne TestStation systems to support our customer.
    The Teradyne TestStation TS12X series of test systems were designed so that all hardware options (with the exception of pin boards) could be used across the entire family of TS12X models. This is extremely advantageous to an end-user that needs to reconfigure multiple systems on their production floor to meet each customer???s unique product requirements. The TS12X systems use the first generation of GenRad UltraPin technology; these boards were designed with low-voltage digital devices as the driving force behind future ICT test requirements.

    The TS12X systems have a new integrated system controller that replaced the system control set that was originally used in the GenRad TS12X, TS8X and GR 228Xi series systems. This new controller incorporates the High Speed Controller (HSC), the MXI-To-GenRad (MTG), the Clock Sync Trigger (CST), the Deep Serial Memory (DSM) and the Frequency Time Interval (FTI) into a single control card. The new controller provides different levels of performance/functionality based on the model of system.

    On both the standard TestStation and the TestStation LX the system controller comes standard with full CST functionality and back-drive current measurement and control capabilities, the DSM is an option comprised of both a memory module mounted on the controller and a software license key. The FTI functionality is now called the SFTM (System Frequency/Time Meter) and is a software license enabled function.

    On TestStation LH models the systems come with basic system control functionality, the CST, Back-drive measurement and control, DSM and SFTM functions are all software license enabled features with the DSM also requiring a memory module.

    There are 5 types of pin boards available for the TestStation family of systems. The pin boards utilized in the TestStation family of testers use either a 1:1, 2:8 or a 2:16 multiplex ratio.

    1. 121 Pin Board 128 driver/sensors per board
    2. 128 Pin Board 16 driver/sensors pins per board, muxed to 128 pins same as a GenRad Combo IA
    3. 124 Pin Board 32 driver/sensors pins per board, muxed to 128 pins same as a GenRad Combo IIA
    4. 128L Pin Board 32 driver/sensors pins per board, muxed to 256 pins same as a GenRad HDC1
    5. 124L Pin Board 64 driver/sensors pins per board, muxed to 256 pins same as a GenRad HDC2

    TEAM A.T.E. has over 10 years experience working with Teradyne TS12X Series test systems. Whether you need to purchase, rent, sell, reconfigure, repair or calibrate a tester, we are a one stop shop. Our engineers have been factory trained by the O.E.M. and we utilize the exact same manufacturing processes to ensure system reliability and quality.

    TestStation - TS121, TS128 & TS124

    The base platforms are identical and the only difference between the three systems is the type of pin board installed. The TS121 uses UltraPin 121 pin boards (128 real pins) while the TS128 uses the UltraPin 128 pin board (16 real pins / 128 muxed pins) and the TS124 uses the UltraPin 124 pin boards (32 real pins / 128 muxed pins).

    These systems have a total of 30 pin board slots that allow for a maximum of 3,840 test pins. Each model came standard with 4 pin boards in the base configuration. Standard TestStation systems can support up to a maximum of 14 Alliance power supplies installed in two Alliance Power Supply Racks.

    TestStation LX - TSLX 128L & TSLX 124L

    The base platforms are identical for both systems and the only difference between the two systems is the type of pin board installed. The TS128L uses both the UltraPin 128L pin board (32 real pins / 256 muxed pins) and the UltraPin 124 pin board (32 real pins / 128 muxed pins) while the TSLX 124L uses the UltraPin 124L pin boards (64 real pins / 256 muxed pins).

    Both systems have a total of 30 pin board slots that allow for a maximum of 7,680 test pins. Both models came standard from the factory with 4 pin boards installed as a base configuration. These systems can support up to 14 Alliance power supplies installed in two Alliance Power Supply Racks.

    TestStation LH - TSLH 121, TSLH 128, TSLH 124, TSLH 128L & TSLH 124L

    The base platforms are identical and the only difference between the five models is the type of pin board installed. The TSLH 121 uses UltraPin 121 pin boards (128 real pins), the TSLH 128 uses UltraPin 128 pin board (16 real pins / 128 muxed pins), the TSLH 124 uses the UltraPin 124 pin boards (32 real pins / 128 muxed pins), the TSLH 128L uses both the UltraPin 128L pin board (32 real pins / 256 muxed pins) and the UltraPin 124 pin board (32 real pins / 128 muxed pins) while the TSLH 124L uses the UltraPin 124L pin boards (64 real pins / 256 muxed pins).

    These systems have a total of 16 pin board slots that allow for a maximum of either 2,048 test pins or 4,096 depending on the pin board type installed. Each model came standard with 4 pin boards in the base configuration. TestStation LH systems can support a maximum of 7 Alliance power supplies.

    PRICE Upon request
    ID# B-GLS-004
    Make Teradyne
    Model TestStation TS12X - TSLX - TSLH
    Class In-Circuit Test / ICT
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